Teaching Pronunciation, Revised Edition
Teaching Pronunciation, Revised Edition

Teaching Pronunciation, Revised Edition

By John Murphy, Series edited by Thomas S.C. Farrell

English Language Teacher Development


62 Pages, 7 x 10

Formats: Paperback

Paperback, $20.95 (CA $27.95) (US $20.95)

Publication Date: February 2020

ISBN 9781945351846

Price: $20.95


How would you begin to introduce ESL/EFL students to English vowel sounds? This reflective question and many others await your discussion and analysis in this revised edition of TESOL Press's best-selling Teaching Pronunciation. This volume explores different approaches to teaching pronunciation in second language classrooms and contains updated research as well as a new, detailed lesson plan. Murphy explores how thought groups, or how speakers use clusters of words to best fit the communicative situation, are essential for a clearer understanding of most components of English pronunciation that are taught in the ESL/EFL classroom.

Author Biography

John Murphy is Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics at Georgia State University. His book publications include Teaching the Pronunciation of English: Focus on Whole Courses (2017, University of Michigan Press) and The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Pronunciation (2017, edited with O. Kang & R. Thomson). John is also a Yoga instructor in the lineage of Pranakriya Hatha Yoga.