The 6 Principles Quick Guide: Remote Teaching of K–12 English Learners (Pack of 25)
The 6 Principles Quick Guide: Remote Teaching of K–12 English Learners (Pack of 25)

The 6 Principles Quick Guide: Remote Teaching of K–12 English Learners (Pack of 25)

The 6 Principles


6 Pages, 8.5 x 11

Formats: Paperback

Paperback, $313.95 (US $313.95) (CA $423.95)

Publication Date: October 2020

ISBN 9781945351105

Price: $313.95


Although remote teaching of English learners is fairly new to K–12 educators, The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners® offer relevant guidelines for this mode of instruction. Even at a distance, you can design and deliver lessons that engage your students and promote their educational success. The 6 Principles are: Know Your Learners, Create Conditions for Language Learning, Design High-Quality Lessons for Language Development, Adapt Lesson Delivery as Needed, Monitor and Assess Student Language Development, and Engage and Collaborate within a Community of Practice. In The 6 Principles Quick Guide for Remote Teaching of K–12 English Learners, you'll find numerous tips, tools, and resources for each principle. You'll also see insights from fellow educators.

Author Biography

Andrea B. Hellman, Ed.D. is Assistant Professor of TESOL/Linguistics at Missouri State University, where she directs the iELT-Ozarks Project, a National Professional Development grant. A recipient of the Christopher Brumfit Award, her research focuses on second language vocabulary attainment and the preparation of mainstream teachers for English learners. She is a Hungarian-English bilingual, an adult immigrant to the U.S.