Engaging Research
156 Pages, 7 x 10
Formats: Paperback, ebook: EPUB
Paperback, $50.95 (US $50.95) (CA $69.95)
Publication Date: November 2022
ISBN 9781942799511
Holly Hansen-Thomas is Vice Provost for Research and Innovation and Corporate Engagement, and Professor of ESL and Bilingual Education at Texas Woman’s University. A two-time Fulbright Scholar and successful grant writer/manager of approximately 8 million dollars in extramural funding, she has worked with language educators and emergent bilinguals for decades. Her research interests include language awareness, ESL training for content area teachers, and academic language development.
Lucilla Lopriore, PhD, is Senior Professor of English at Roma Tre University. Past TESOL Italy president and TESOL International Association board member, her primary research interests include language teacher education, CLIL, early language learning, teacher professional development, World Englishes, and English as a lingua franca in multilingual classrooms and migration contexts.